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Atelier du Travail Qui Relie / Work That Reconnects Workshop – Jura Mountains – 23-25 May 2025

  —- Read more about the Work that Reconnects below this event —-  

Grace happens when we act with others on behalf of our world. – Joanna Macy

Bienvenue French & English speakers welcome! (English below in italics)

“Accueillir la rosée solaire au cœur de nos forces intérieures et inviter son rayonnement vital à ensemencer nos élans régénérateurs.”

Venez-nous rejoindre pour un weekend immersif du Travail qui Relie, qui comme son nom l’indique nous reconnecte profondément à la VIE et tout ce qui en prend soin. Join us for a weekend experience of the Work That Reconnects!

Inspiré par la vision et les enseignements de Joanna Macy, ce travail nous aide à renforcer notre bien-être, notre vitalité, nos ressources intérieures et nos liens communautaires face aux incertitudes liées à la transition sociale et écologique.

Inspired by the vision and teachings of Joanna Macy, this work helps strengthen our well-being, vitality, inner resources, and community ties in the face of uncertainties surrounding these times of huge social and ecological crisis.

Le Travail qui Relie propose une riche palette de pratiques psychologiques et spirituelles profondes, favorisant un changement de conscience. Il transforme le désespoir ou l’impuissance en une action créative et collaborative.

The Work That Reconnects offers many profound psychological and spiritual practices, fostering a shift in consciousness. It transforms despair & powerlessness into creative, empowered and collaborative action.

🗓️ Dates : du 23 Mai 17h au 25 Mai 17h  / 23rd May at 5:00 PM to May 25th, 5:00 PM

📍 Lieu/ Location : Ressource Nature, 10, rue Principale – 39300 Châtelneuf – ressource-nature.com/le-lieu

Animatrices / Facilitators : Marjorie Lumet & Amaya Aubert

💶 Contribution / Animation: 222 euros early bird jusqu’au 31 Janvier, ensuite 290 euros  (tarif reduit sans emploi / discount available for unemployed)
Hébergement/Sleeping: en dortoir/ dorm 60 euros par personne ou possibilité tente (+ 10 euros draps/ sheets)

Repas : 60 euros par personne – 2 dîners, 1 brunch et snacks inclus (1 repas du midi en buffet canadien – chacun.e apporte un plat) Meals : 60 euros per person – Includes 2 dinners, 1 brunch, and snacks (1 lunch served buffet-style – please bring a dish to share)

Venue / Lieu: Ressource Nature, 10, rue Principale – 39300 Châtelneuf –

Petit groupe intime de 8 à 10 personnes environ / Intimate group of approximately 8 to 10 people

🔗 Registration / Inscriptions: Contact Marjorie +41(0) 797761495 or email at mlumet@yahoo.fr

Plongez dans une exploration profonde et collective pour raviver vos forces intérieures et œuvrer au service de la vie.

Dive into a deep and collective exploration to rekindle your inner strength to serve a Life sustaining way fourth

The Work that Reconnects

This work is based on the vision and teachings of Joanna Macy and supports us to develop our well-being & vitality, our inner resources and community in the face of uncertainty around social and ecological transition. The Work that Reconnects offers a rich variety of profound psychological and spiritual practices inspiring a shift in consciousness and transforming our denial or helplessness into empowered, creative and collaborative action. This experiential work supports a significant shift in consciousness, a realisation of our deep interconnectedness and stepping into our power in service of Life.

You can experience this work through deep dive days & retreats as well as regular community meet ups online or in person with Active Hope Circles. Find out about those here

The Spiral of the Work that Reconnects 

The Work that Reconnects is shared through group workshops unfolding around a Spiral structure consisting in 4 stages: coming from gratitude, honouring our pain, seeing with new eyes, going fourth.

illustration: Dori Midnight for Joanna

Coming from Gratitude and deep appreciation for life—both within and around us—are essential for our well-being and fuel our desire to protect it.

Honouring our pain is uncomfortable but necessary for awakening. Recognizing that the suffering of the world is also our own helps us hold it with compassion, leading to healing and empowerment. By facing this pain, our fear dissipates, and we gather the courage needed for transformation.

The next part of the Spiral, Seeing Anew with Ancient Eyes, invites us to recognize our interconnectedness with all of Life—our ancestors, future generations, and all living beings. This awareness nurtures the bonds neglected in modern life and strengthens our sense of belonging to the greater Web of Life.

The final part, Going Fourth, guides us to clarify our personal and collective vision and take action to contribute to the healing of the world.

The Work that Reconnects & Deep Ecology
“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – Chief Seattle

Living in harmony with nature and honouring all of Life is essential for both our well-being and the planet’s. Everything is interconnected, and to thrive, we must return to a sacred relationship with the Earth—recognizing that all life is sacred, conscious, and precious. 

Deep Ecology expands our consciousness beyond the ego, inviting us to embrace an ecological identity. It asks us to place Life at the center of all we do—regenerating ourselves, building resilient communities, and nurturing the environment. By caring for what sustains us, we ensure the abundance of Life for future generations.

We are Nature. The Earth is our larger body, and our well-being is inseparable from the health of the planet. Soil, air, water, plants—all sustain and nourish us. Deep Ecology calls for reverence toward all forms of life—human, animal, plant, and mineral. We are not here to dominate or deplete the Earth, but to honour every living being, regardless of its utility. What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves—planetary and personal well-being are fundamentally intertwined, a truth humanity has forgotten at great cost.

“Deep Ecology,” coined by Arne Naess in 1973, reflects philosophies long held by indigenous cultures. It offers a radically different approach to life than the modern, industrial mindset. As ecosystems collapse and species vanish, our only sustainable way forward is to adopt regenerative ways of living—shifting away from endless economic growth toward a future that nurtures rather than exploits Life.

Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects provides a direct path to awakening our ecological consciousness. Her legacy is a huge gift for these decisive, prophetic times.

Photo taken at La Fradera, Spain by Diana Bacanu during a Work that Reconnects a Work That Reconnectsfacilitator training in 2021.

 The Work That Reconnects & the Great Turning

The Work That Reconnects is a collective empowerment process deeply reconnecting us to the life within us and around us allowing the emergence of individual and collective mobilisation in service of Life.
This rich body of work was developed in the late 1970s by Joanna Macy, eco-philosopher, scholar of Buddhism and systems thinking who has woven into it 6 decades of activism in movements for peace, justice and ecology.
Joanna refers to the transition from an industrial growth society (leading us towards collapse …) to a life-sustaining society as “the Great Turning”. This Great Turning revolves around 4 complementary and interdependent pillars:
1. Holding actions to protect life
2. Building new life-sustaining systems and practices
3. Shifting Consciousness.
4. Nurturing Life
The Work that Reconnects helps inspire and clarify our commitments with regard to these pillars.
Find out more and access a wealth of resources at The Work That Reconnects Network